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Get Codiga for Jetbrains

Codiga for Jetbrains lets you use any coding assistant snippees, create snippets and analyze your code in real-time in your IDE as you write code. Our plugin works for all Jetbrains-based products.


  • How to install
  • Static Code Analysis
  • Code Snippets

Supported Products

The Codiga plugin works for all JetBrains tools: IntelliJ, PyCharm, CLion, etc.

How to install

Step 1

Open your Jetbrains product (IntelliJ, PyCharm, PHPStorm).

jetbrains step 1

Step 2

Go to plugins and search for "Codiga" and click on Install button. Once installed accept the third-party plugin privacy note.

jetbrains step 2

Static Code Analysis

Get Codiga Static Code Analysis directly in your preferred IDE. All you need is our plugin and a codiga.yml file in your project's root directory.

Step 1

Run the following command in your terminal (at your project's root directory) to choose rulesets and have a codiga.yml created for you with your chosen rulesets in it.

1npx @codiga/cli@latest ruleset-add

* Requires Node.js installed.

Step 2

Check your code in your IDE in real time on every keystroke.

jetbrains static code analysis step 3

Coding Assistant

Just type CMD/CTRL+ ALT + C, enter what you are looking for: Codiga finds appropriate reusable code patterns ready to import in your IDE. Use CMD/CTRL + ALT + S to view all the shortcuts available directly onto your IDE.

vscode marketplace

Creating and sharing a code snippet has never been easier: select the text, right click and select Create Codiga Snippet.

vscode marketplace

How to link your Codiga account

If you want to use the snippets, cookbooks or other parameters from your Codiga account, you need to connect your API token. Make sure you generate an API token from the API token section of the platform.

Open the preferences, In Tools, click on Codiga API. Add your API token and click on Apply. You can check that the API token is working by clicking on Test API connection (make sure you click Apply before).

jetbrains step 3

Open Source

The Codiga JetBrains plugin is open-source. You can read the source code on GitHub, report bugs and contribute on the GitHub project.


  • Source code
  • Report a bug
InstallGet support on Slack

We NEVER store or use the code to train or improve our system.

Having trouble installing?

Don’t hesitate to contact us anytime! We are here for you at or join our Slack channel.

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